Wednesday, 24 November 2010


My Mother came across these rather creased pieces of paper and asked if I wanted them. Being quite a paper nerd, I was all like "Oh yah" so I took them and have them proudly on the floor of my room.
I noticed something, now, to the normal eye, creased paper is often coined as bad, ruined paper. 

Not at all in my opinion. It's better if anything. Creases get bad press (ba dum der tish). You know the term 'There's no such thing as perfection' well surely it must work the other way round, binary opposites and all, so there's no such thing as imperfection either. Zing! Take that, logic! 
So basically, I wanted to develop on this crease logic. Creases, even though they are imperfection on a smooth sheet of paper, you wouldn't actually notice them. Look on your desk for example, there's bound to be a piece of paper there, does it have at least one crease in it? I bet it does. And I bet you didn't notice it until now. I know, I know, I'm showing you the light! But there's more..

I wanted to make these creases more obvious. So, quite simply, I drew over them. It looked like this:

Looks cool doesn't it? (I think so). The way it's positioned on my desk compliments it by how the light is catching it, giving different tones of white and grey.

I then thought what would be really good is if I could replicate the above look, but in a 2D digital form, so it's almost like an optical illusion. 3D paper captured on 2D! I do believe this is quite possibly the most Post Modern piece of work I have ever worked on. Go me.

I started on the digital version, but it's proving to be a tad more difficult than I originally thought. More to follow. I hope this has quenched your paper philosophy for the day.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting, they look a lot like contour lines. It reminds me of when I used to get bored in class and draw over the creases on my palm. It ends up looking like a birds eye view of a city, criss-crossed with mega highways.

