Friday 29 July 2011

Summer ii

I visited Joe. He sprained his wrist at a festival.

Poor Joe.

Prefer this version though.

Toodle do.

Summer i

I went to visit Leo
 Leo has an oven.
 Leo has a garden.
 Leo missed the tray.
 The others were okay though.
 This is called a 'fuzzy willy' or something.
 Alex with peanuts, Leo with ironing board, this was at 12.30am.
 Can he do it?
 Yes, yes he can. Alex whispering sweet compliments to the peanuts.
 Alex and Leo are sitting on a sofa.
 So am I.
 It's Alex and Arnie.
Alex doing what he does best.
 I like to pretend that I'm a stranger looking in on friends watching TV.
 Leo's Pap made this from scratch. And wood.
 Leo maison.
 Leo has flowers.
Told you.

Lovely trip, wish I could have stayed for longer.


Thursday 28 July 2011

Amazing advert I did.

Well, I did this tiny advert for the Art Shop I work at for the 'Ealing Arts & Leisure' Booklet, which has a massive circulation apparently. The advert is very simple as they just wanted something straight to the point, so by no means an expert piece of design, but fitted for their needs.

I strategically placed the logo on the top left of the booklet.

Like I've mentioned before, this blog is to show all types of design I become involved with, so apologies if my tone comes across as ungrateful/careless. Always good to go over the basics.


Wednesday 20 July 2011

Superfit & 406 Website revamped.

I've finished my internship at CHK Design last week, learnt quite a few things and the people there were really great. I've done some changes for the website project I had been working on:

Ironically, I've noticed 1 or 2 mistakes right now so I'm going to change them before the Internet Police get on me!


Wednesday 13 July 2011

You guys!

Received a massive 'Thank you' card from Avenge Vulture Attack at work today:

Sniff... Keep it together old bean!
