Wednesday 1 December 2010

Busy all of a sudden.

Latest on the job fronts, after a quiet past month or so, I have numerous things on the go now. My workload never seems to be gradual or consistent, it's always all or nothing. (Oh who am I kidding, I love it really, I get to brag more to you lot!) All big headedness aside though, later today I'm meeting a band to discuss doing an music video animation for them, quite excited, hopefully we'll get to bounce around a lot of ideas and get things rolling straight away.
As well as this, I was recently interviewed for an arty designy magazine about blogging and promoting my work via this blog, really excited about this. I get to illustrate some of the layout of my interview spread so watch this space as this should be up and running online in the next few weeks.
Also I have an internship lined up in January at this independent record label as a Digital Designer. 
I know I'm not giving too much information away, I will in due course as they come about, I just thought I'd give a little teaser for upcoming events.
ALSO, I've got over 1,000 views on this blog! Excellent stuff man, I'm surprised as this blog only kicked off proper in the summer, you faithful readers you. I knew we could do it.. together... and... and.....I LOVE YOU ALL! *whimpers* Well chuffed.

That's all for now folks,


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