Tuesday 1 April 2014

New Facebook page.

It happened.

Zuckerberg's charming curls finally entwined their way into my soul and forced me to make a Facebook page. I'm quite self aware how self centered this is, especially just naming the page as 'Jamie Kyle' and not a variation of 'Jamie Kyle illustration' or 'jkdraws' or 'like a fox'. I spent an hour typing, deleting and retyping different names for this page, really can't believe it took me so long. I came to the conclusion that I'd like to represent myself, rather than a brand or an alias. I guess a part of me doesn't want to hide behind something?

"No one will suspect a thing"

But why create a page? Well, similar to my Twitter account the vast majority of my followers are people I don't know and I like that. They chose to follow me due to my interests in art and design and that's fun. So, with my normal Facebook profile, I know a lot of 'Facebook friends' are interested in what I'm doing, but not all of them. So I figured that those who like my stuff can still follow me, as well as people I don't know directly follow me if they're interested too, I'm making it a choice. Vote Jamie! Democracy Jamie! Huzzah.

"Like his page, punk"


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