Sunday, 29 April 2012

Pinch TV.

It's been a busy month.

First things first, completely forgot to mention an exciting project that I took part in and should be out fairly soon. The company Pinch TV approached me to take part in a collaboration. They're an online magazine/web-episode based company who specialize in culture, remixed. The project they had lined up in mind for me was to collaborate with two comedians in the form of Matt Bell and Rob Hoey.

Without spoiling too much, the comedic duo are ghost detectives investigating some ghoulish shenanigans that are happening at a distressed woman's house (played by Olivia Campbell). I feature in the sense that I illustrate these ghouls as well as providing 'action shots'. It'll all become apparent and clear very soon when they release the episode - which quite honestly, I'm very excited about. The opening back and forth between Matt and Rob had me in stitches, it was very hard to keep a straight face.

(photos courtesy of Lottie O'Conor from Pinch TV)

 An injured Rob Hoey on the bench and a vengeful Matt Bell in action.

Horny Matt and Rob.

Matt, Pips Taylor and Colin. Shout out also to Sarah Keeling too who was behind the camera

One of the characters featured in the episode. 

Me and my mad skillz.

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